• sndubey@dubeyandassociates.co.in,snd_adv@rediffmail.com
  • +9811603799,0120- 4316575, 4316585

VAT Assessments

If you don't send your VAT Return and pay any VAT due on time, you will get a 'VAT notice of assessment of tax' from the Assessing Authorities revealing to you the amount VAT they think you owe.

What you have to do

Send your VAT Return and any payment due right away If the assessed amount of VAT is too low you should tell the Assessing Authority within 30 days. Do this by hiring a right VAT consultants in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad or reaching them. You might be charged a penalty if you don't. If the assessment is excessively high, you can't appeal it. You should send a right VAT Return and VAT payment.

How we can help you?

Various VAT questions and VAT assessments in Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad can be settled by introducing the certainties clearly to Assessing Authority bolstered by VAT technical information. This can result in a VAT evaluation being pulled back or a huge decrease in the VAT liability.

Dubey & Associates Law Firm have experience of representing their clients before the VAT Tribunal despite the fact that we would some of the time prescribe that Counsel is told to lead the case. They have close relationships with various lawyers who spend significant time in showing up at the VAT Tribunal. If you might want to talk about further how we can enable you to resolve a question please get in touch with them.